Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Yep, after missing like 2 days last week and 1 day this week, I BROUGHT it today! I mopped all the floors and then did the thigh trimmer! Can I hear a WHOO-WHOO? I'm thinkin I need to make this whole workout thing an everyday routine so that it's easier to keep up. THAT may kick my bootay though! Gotta go water my new topsy turvey tomato plant! ( :

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

skipped day 4 (MON 19th) bad headache....

picked up again today, WED the 21st with the arm toner. I used my husband's handy old weights that he used before I gave him his Selecttech dumbells (30th birthday in August gift that he got early- LONG STORY). Anyhow, I used 5 pounds and that was definitely enough for the 1st go around. I waited to work out when I could find the time.... Logna was practicing w/ a friend singing for the talent show auditions, Camden was playing w/ the neighbor and Graden was right under my feet. At one point, I was lifting weights w/ his head in my shirt! LOL NOT my ideal workout plan, but hey, I got it done. I am really gonna try harder to get it in during Graden's naptime. We will see how my arms feel tomorrow.

BTW.... I weighed in and I was 131 to start. I need to measure too. I'm really not in this to lose weight. I just wanna tone it up and look smokin for bathing suit season!

My next workout will be Fri. and the next week I plan to add more days. I hope to get to the point where I work out 5-6 days a week.

Today is my girlfriend Angie's birthday, Brandi's anniversary and the day my Friend Cara gave birth to her 4th child, NOAH ANTHONY! <3

Good night. ( :

forgot to blog day 3- WOOPS!

Day 3 was buns and oh man, did it kick my buns! LOL The actual exercises were burning and then after.... well my obliques hurt when I laughed or sneezed or whatever. And my bootie hurt in all kids of different normal activities! NO PAIN IN THE BOOTAY THEN NO GAIN! Logan was doing it with me and he said he gives up and left! I LIKE THIS ONE!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the kids "working out!"


Um, I had 2 days off and this ab one kicked my BOOTIE!!!! I had to pause it a couple times because he has you up doing crazy stuff, then gets you down on the floor, then wants you right back up to do more crazy stuff! All this without getting dizzy or falling over? FOR REAL? There's some moves I can't even do at all. I HATE THE LADDER MOVE! You're supposed to sit up and walk up your leg which is straight out until you touch your toes. WHATEVER! Josh walked in right when I was finishing and I said, "I hate you for ordering this for me! What are you trying to do to me?" Then the kids wanted to do it. They were doing better than me~SO sad! Anyway, I WILL conquer this ab thing one day! I am already sore in the obliques. I wonder what tomorrow morning will bring!!???

Monday, April 12, 2010

BABY got saggy back!

WATCH OUT! Here come the SCARY before pictures!

Here I am, completely vulnerable, with all the yucky parts of me showing. I am posting these so that I will try HARD to get in shape so that in the end I can show you some smokin hot results! See, skinny does not always mean it looks good!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day One, April 11, 2010

I can't believe that I am actually sitting here, beginning a blog about MY workout journey! I thought it was great when my husband was doing the P90X, and really I wanted some results too. BUT, TIME???? I have a hard time balancing everything as it is. Josh told me that in the beginning he made all the same sort of excuses and then one day he just did it. It was rough starting out for him, but seeing the complete lifestyle change in him has been amazing. He has always had more self-discipline and consistency than me, so I'm glad he went first!

Josh ordered me the "POWER HALF HOUR" also by Tony Horton, like P90X. It will be a lot easier for me to squeeze in 30 minutes rather than 60 or so. I've had it for a couple weeks and honestly a lot of times just plain forgot that I needed to get started. After talking with Josh about it today, he said he would do it with me today if that would help me get started. We did it at 5pm, with all the kids around. We each had to hold Graden through some of it. Josh eventually just took him in his room to play, while I finished.

It was good. I didn't stop or pause the DVD one time, even though it's been 6 years since I worked out! I began with the thigh one. My legs were like jello when I was done and my head felt a little fuzzy. I did the cool down and the stretches and was OK.

Josh took my "before" pics tonight, and quite frankly, YUCK!!!!!!!!! I am skinny, yes, but OMG my butt is in some rough shape. That flat tummy is long gone too. It's gonna take a lot of work, my friends. I am starting out on 3 days a week. I am glad my husband can keep me accountable. I will post the before pics tomorrow. I still need to weigh in and measure.